When associations experiment with new ideas and technologies – and invite new voices to the discussion – members benefit from more valuable meetings, more relevant content and an enhanced ROI. Read More
When associations experiment with new ideas and technologies – and invite new voices to the discussion – members benefit from more valuable meetings, more relevant content and an enhanced ROI. Read More
Each year, the American Geophysical Union’s (AGU) annual meeting draws more than 20,000 people from around the world to share information, collaborate with colleagues, network and learn about advances in earth and space science. And, there is a lot of information to present; over the usual five-day meeting, there are more than 10,000 individual presentations delivered each year.
So, as we started planning the fully virtual Fall 2020 meeting, the team had to get creative about how to design and execute an exceptional and flawless attendee experience that supported such a content-heavy agenda.
I recently participated in a webinar to discuss everything that went into making CESSE’s annual virtual conference a success. Like so many meetings now, this was the first time the organization delivered a fully virtual experience to its members; the team behind it wanted to share what we learned, best practices and key considerations.
An alternative to executing a full-spectrum virtual meeting Read More
The ASTRO Annual Refresher event typically draws 500 attendees each year from around the world who come for a review of core competencies and updates on emerging trends across radiation oncology. Read More
I recently sat on a panel at the CESSE Leadership Conference in Baltimore where I spoke to a packed room on this topic. When my fellow panelists and I asked the room whether any part of their meeting(s) was virtual, it was about a 50/50 split – with half the room saying yes, and the other half responding that they have not “virtualized” any part of their meeting.