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American Academy of Pediatrics

For every virtual meeting, fun is a critical component

By Projection

Think about the best events you’ve attended – both in person and virtual. They likely had one thing in common: An element of fun. Maybe those elements were woven throughout the entire event, from the plenary to the closing session, so that you were never far from something – or someone – that made you smile or laugh. Those experiences stay with us. Read More

Increased attendance (52%), collaboration, fun & learning: A Behind-the-scenes Look at the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Virtual Annual Meeting

By Projection

At Projection, we’ve been AAP’s audiovisual partner since 1983. Over that time, we’ve designed and executed some incredible and inspiring experiences together, aimed not only to deliver educational content to the association’s membership, but to convey, instill and re-invigorate their sense of community, pride and purpose. Each year, we strive to create experiences that build upon the unique community for which AAP is known. The end result is often goosebump-inducing, as the AAP team finds new and creative ways to inspire their passion-driven members. (Check out our video case study showing the 2018 in-person meeting.) Read More