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ProjectionNet: Content Management Tool for Hybrid Meetings

By July 22, 2021July 1st, 2022Projection

As many meetings and events now have both physical and virtual components, tools to manage all of the content are critical to designing a seamless and positive experience for speakers and attendees. ProjectionNet, a hybrid meeting content management tool, addresses this need.

ProjectionNet for hybrid meetings is built upon the Projection’s proprietary presentation management system, which has been used to manage content for clients’ in-person meetings for the past 25 years. The system’s suite of integrated digital products allows meeting planners to manage and track both virtual and physical presenters — and their content — in one place. It is the ultimate tool for meetings and events where content will be delivered from in-person and/or virtual sources.

“One of the many lessons we and our clients have learned over the past year is just how important it is to have one central hub for a meeting or event’s content. Even though presenters, sponsors, attendees and the meeting team are all in different places, the content should not be,” said Karen Cuviello, corporate vice president, national accounts. “While the industry has tools that serve either in-person or virtual meetings, the move to hybrid presents new opportunities and challenges for the seamless management and delivery of content. We designed ProjectionNet specifically with those in mind to help our clients design an experience attendees and speakers desire.”

ProjectionNet Features and Benefits

ProjectionNet’s suite of integrated digital products can be customized for each meeting or event’s unique needs. The content management system provides:

  • A central platform for physical and virtual presenters to upload and review presentations and pre-recordings;
  • An organized system for booking technical support or recording appointments;
  • Integration with Projection’s complete suite of digital services, including Digital Signage, Capture, Overflow, ARS and more;
  • Cross-platform PC/Mac support;
  • Access to Projection’s in-house programming team that can design customized content management solutions, including integration with abstract management systems and virtual platforms;
  • The ability to scale from 100 to over 15,000 presentations per event.

With ProjectionNet, meeting teams can:

  • Manage/track virtual and physical presenters and their content in one place;
  • Provide a platform to launch pre-recordings in meeting rooms;
  • Stream internal content over a presentation management network to be broadcast to a virtual audience;
  • Optimize bandwidth requirements to maximize value.

“For a meeting planner, there is nothing more important than knowing everything will be delivered to attendees the way it was designed, planned and rehearsed,” said Lisa Parse, Senior Manager, Meeting Services at American Academy of Periodontology (AAP). “Virtual meetings bring a whole new level of complexity to this, with attendees, content, presenters and sponsors all coming from multiple sources and locations. A tool like ProjectionNet couldn’t come at a better time and will be important for meeting teams looking to deliver seamless and valuable experiences to their attendees. It was a great help to us when developing AAP’s first-ever Virtual Annual Meeting.”

For more information, visit our Content Management page or reach out to