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It's the experience that matters.

A lot of thought goes into every one of our productions.

And not surprisingly, quite a bit of thinking comes out of them as well. We invite you to look around and check out our latest musings. Perhaps you’ll find some insight, inspiration, and perspective to incorporate into your next live experience or brainstorm.

Simon-On-Site, Projection’s New Help! Button

By Projection

Each of us has at least one experience when technology didn’t do what it was supposed to or we had a question about the technology we were using. That in itself can be annoying and stressful. But what happens when you find yourself in that situation and you’re in a room with 30 people all looking at you because you’re the presenter?

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Going Virtual: Preparing and Executing a Hybrid/Virtual Meeting Strategy

By Projection

I recently sat on a panel at the CESSE Leadership Conference in Baltimore where I spoke to a packed room on this topic. When my fellow panelists and I asked the room whether any part of their meeting(s) was virtual, it was about a 50/50 split – with half the room saying yes, and the other half responding that they have not “virtualized” any part of their meeting.

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Ready To Brainstorm?

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