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Simon-On-Site, Projection’s New Help! Button

By Projection

Each of us has at least one experience when technology didn’t do what it was supposed to or we had a question about the technology we were using. That in itself can be annoying and stressful. But what happens when you find yourself in that situation and you’re in a room with 30 people all looking at you because you’re the presenter?

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Going Virtual: Preparing and Executing a Hybrid/Virtual Meeting Strategy

By Projection

I recently sat on a panel at the CESSE Leadership Conference in Baltimore where I spoke to a packed room on this topic. When my fellow panelists and I asked the room whether any part of their meeting(s) was virtual, it was about a 50/50 split – with half the room saying yes, and the other half responding that they have not “virtualized” any part of their meeting.

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